
Wow! Look at this! I made a blog! Yeah, yeah, it’s using the default Jekyll theme, so sue me.

I’m Bryce - currently, I’m a site reliability engineer at Gusto. Outside of work, I’m a huge transit nerd, I watch (probably too much) TV (with a particular bias towards animation and science fiction), sometimes I play video games like Team Fortress 2 and Titanfall 2, and I probably spend too much time thinking about tech outside of work.

What are my plans for this blog? Honestly, I don’t know. I’m probably just going to post some musings here occasionally.

Will this be a blog where I only post one or two things and then don’t touch it for years on end? Who knows! Come find out with me. I make no promises as to post quality or frequency, though. The one promise I make is no AI generated content - I write everything here myself.

Stay tuned!